Tänä aamuna tunnelma Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentällä oli samaan aikaan jännittynyt ja iloinen. 12 nuorta eri puolilta Suomea oli lähdössä viettämään unelmiensa kesää USA:ssa.
Nuoret ovat Young Ambassadors -stipendiaatteja, jotka tutustuvat kuuden viikon ajan ympäristöasioihin Coloradon osavaltiossa. Ohjelmaan kuuluu myös mielenkiintoinen vierailu Washington DC:hen. Kuten kaikki YFU:n vaihto-oppilaat, kesästipendiaatitkin saavat asua paikallisen isäntäperheen luona ja olla osa amerikkalaisen perheen arkea sekä juhlaa.
Young Ambassadors -kesästipendiohjelma on pyörinyt jo vuodesta 2011 lähtien Yhdysvaltain Suomen suurlähetystön ja CIMOn rahoittamana. YFU on vastannut ohjelman toteuttamisesta.
Haluaisitko sinä viettää kesän 2015 USA:ssa?
Jos olet haaveillut kesästä Yhdysvalloissa, nyt voit yhdistää kielitaidon kartuttamisen, kulttuurikylvyn ja ympäristöasiat. Saat kosketuksen kansainvälisyyteen sekä kipinöitä kohti tulevaisuuden urasuunnitelmia. Hakuaika kesästipendiohjelmaan päättyy jo 12.6.2014, joten hakemus kannattaa täyttää pikapuolin. Lisätietoja voit lukea YFU:n nettisivuilta.
Millaista on olla Young Ambassadors -stipendiaattina?
Näin kokemuksistaan kertovat kesän 2013 stipendiaatit.
“I did so much in the States it’s hard to remember everything. I wandered around the mountains with friends, ate lots of food, particularly ethnic, played sports, partied and enjoyed my time every bit. The environment, both natural and urban was very different from Finland. There was also differences among cities that were quite visible. Every day I saw, did and learnt something new and exciting. I want to go back to the States to see more of the country and its mind-blowing diversity. I was hoping to see diversity that I don’t usually see at home in Lapland. And that was certainly something I got. The amazing diversity was really something for a young adult who has lived all of his life in Lapland where diversity is almost none existent. In the US I got used to diversity and nowadays I don’t even notice some things I would have before this summer. For example when I see someone “different” I hardly take any notice.” Saku Rimali, Rovaniemi
“This exchange taught me a lot. I got a lot of information about environmental and energy issues in the US during our group visits twice a week and outside of those. I really liked the fact that we got to visit places ‘behind the scenes’. For example if you go to a zoo knowing how it runs and how things are done gives you a lot more perspective about the park rather than just watching the animals along other tourists. Or on the other hand while visiting Water world, one of the biggest parks in the US, it’s interesting getting to see how the wave machines work and after that going to the wave pool enjoying the waves yourself. These are just examples of the things I got to learn. The whole program was very well organized in general and exceeded my expectations”. Pirkka Sippola, Helsinki
“Our area coordinator in Boulder was this awesome woman who had organized visits to tens of cool places. They offered something to everyone. I learned a lot about what kinds of things there are going on to study the opportunities to save our planet from global warming and other big deals. I was amazed.” Opri Kangas, Joensuu
“My YAP-summer was definitely the best summer of my life so far. It raised me as person, made me feel independent, taught me so many useful things and opened my eyes about different cultures. People on the other side of our planet are still the same people as we are, and even if I thought I was open to different things before this summer, I’m definitely more open now.” Emma Päkkilä, Jääli
“The whole exchange would’ve been nothing without all the awesome people I met and their influence. The program made me find completely new sides of myself and the others. Therefore, in addition to great memories, I feel like I’ve gained a lot of self-confidence and independence after those best six weeks of my life and I would definitely live them through again anytime.” Venla Venäläinen, Toivala
Älä harmittele käyttämättä jätettyä tilaisuutta, vaan hae Young Ambassadors -stipendiaatiksi. Kesä 2015 USA:ssa odottaa sinua! Näin haet stipendiä.
Ja mikä parasta, YFU:n kautta pääsee USA:an myös koko vuodeksi tai lukukaudeksi. Lue lisää vaihto-oppilaaksi lähtemisestä.
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